Occupational Therapy is the therapeutic use of everyday life activities (occupations) to enable and enhance participation in your daily roles, habits and routines. At Functional Therapeutics, occupational therapy practitioners use their knowledge of the transactional relationship among the person, his or her engagement in their valued occupations and the context to design occupation-based intervention plans that facilitate change or growth in client factors (body functions, body structures, values, beliefs and spirituality) as well as addressing the specific skills that may need strengthening (motor or sensory or social). Occupational therapy practitioners are concerned with the end result of participation and thus enable engagement through adaptations and modifications to the environment or objects within the environment when needed.
Functional Therapeutics Occupational Therapy services integrate professional traditional practices and modalities with a creative, intuitive approach to care. Dedicated to problem solving and finding solutions that inspire success Functional Therapeutics specializes in all areas of upper body function. Focusing on coordination, strength, and range of motion, we provide personal care to individuals in their home or at a living or rehab facility. Unlike many OT services that rely on machines to deliver care, our therapists enjoy being in the room to help with hands-on, customized care.
Trained to assess the overall wellbeing of our clients, Functional Therapeutics‘ therapists evaluate treatment on an on-going basis and adjust individual treatments as clients continue to reach or exceed their goals. Able to be present with whatever frustrations or challenges our clients are facing, our creative approach results in treatment that is streamlined for individual circumstances and customized to guarantee our clients thrive.